Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Soykırıma yardımla suçlanan Kuveyt Türk davasındaki son gelişmeler

Kuveyt Türk Kaliforniya'da açılan dava dosyasını kabul etti

Suriye ve Irak’daki Süryani Hristiyanları temsil bir Sivil Toplum Kuruluşu olan St. Francis Assisi (SFA) adına WEISS Avukatlık bürosu tarafından California'da açılan davada Kuveyt Türk ve Kuveyt’deki kardeş finans kurumuna, içinde insanlığa karşı suçların işlenmesi, soykırım gibi çok ağır suçlamalara bilerek ve isteyerek yardım ve yataklık etme gibi suçlamalarla dava açılmıştı. Dava Haziran ayında açılmıştı. Bu suçları işleyenlere finansal sistem geliştirerek teşvik etme ve moral yardımı etmek gibi birçok diğer suçlamaları da içeren bu davada Kuveyt Türk’e toplamda 7 suçlama getiriliyordu.

Davada ayrıca bu finans kurumları dışında, 2014 yılının Ağustos ayında ABD Hazine Bakanlığı ve 9 gün sonra BM tarafından terörist listesine alınan Hajjaj Al-Ajmi de bulunuyordu.

Davanın açılması haberlerinden sonra Kuveyt Türk ve kardeşi Kuveyt’deki Kuwait Finance House internetten bir açıklama yapmışlardı ve bunu kendi twitter hesaplarından da duyurmuşlardı. O açıklamada yapılan suçlamalar reddedilmiş, konu ile ilgili finans kurumlarının itibarının savunulmasının yapılacağı ifade edilmişti.

Dava ile ilgili ise şu gelişmeler yaşandı:

1. Bankaların bu açıklamasına rağmen ABD’nin California eyaletinden gönderilen ifade verme çağrılarına cevap vermeyi reddettikleri, davaya açan WEISS firmasının mahkemeye başvurmasıyla ortaya çıktı. 26 Ağustos’da mahkemeye sunulan itiraza göre, Türkiye, Hague Service Konvensiyonuna resmi olarak üye olmasına rağmen, Türkiye’de bulunan Kuveyt Türk, mahkemeden giden dava ile ilgili dosyaları ve daveti almayı reddetti. Hague Convensiyonuna üye olmayan Kuveyt’de kulan Kuwait Finance House da aynı şekilde dava ile dokümanlarını ve ifade davetini almadı.

Davayı Süryani Hristiyanlar STK’sı adına açan WEISS avukatlık kurumu, Türkiye’nin de ABD gibi Hague Servis Konvensiyonuna üye olduğunu ve uluslararası anlaşmanın üyesi olması nedeniyle de, diğer üye ülkelerden gelen davalara cevap verme yükümlülüğü altında olduğu hatırlatılıyor.

2. Davanın arkasındaki isim olarak tanınan ve uluslararası para trafiğini, kara para aklamalarını, terörizm finansmanı ve buna benzer ‘kötü’ işler çeviren uluslararası figürler ve kurumların peşinden gitmesiyle bilinen Tom Creal ise, mahkemeye sunulan bu itirazdan sonra Kuveyt Türk ve Kuwait Finance House’un avukatlarının bu dokümanları kabul ettiğini gönderdiği email ile ifade etti. Bundan sonra ise bu dokümanların Türkiye’deki bankalara ulaştırılmasıyla birlikte 20 günlük bir takvimin işlemeye başlaması bekleniyor. Yani bir diğer ifadeyle, önümüzdeki ay içinde Kuveyt Türk'ün kendisine getirilen bu ağır suçlamalara karşı ne cevap vereceğini görmeyi bekliyoruz.

Bunun yanısıra, WEISS avukatlık bürosunun mahkemeye sunduğu belgelere göre davada ismi geçen ve Suriye'deki cihatçılara para topladığı iddia edilen Hajjaj Al-Ajmi, sosyal medya üzerinden halen para toplamaya devam ediyor.

Tom Creal 24 Haziran’da verdiği mülakatta, Kuveyt Türk’ün bu mahkeme dokümanlarına cevap vermediği takdirde ne yapacaksınız sorusuna ‘’kaçamazlar.. Konuşacaklar..’’ demişti.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

US State Department probably is not standing by Biden comments re expecting an execution in Turkey

For your reference, please find attached an indexed DPB, which will be available here.  
DPB # 151
Briefer: John Kirby, Spokesperson

John Kirby and Turkey's freedom of press questions
QUESTION: Today another 35 journalists there is a new detainment list about another 35 journalists in Turkey.

QUESTION: It is now about 150 journalists, according to estimates, since we don’t know the exact numbers, but this should be around that number. This more than combined of China, Iran, and Egypt. I was wondering if you have any comment on this.
MR KIRBY: I mean, we’ve seen these reports, and as we’ve said before, we – and frankly, what I’ve said earlier in this briefing, we obviously continue to support independent, free media reporting and freedom of the press all over the world, including Turkey. And we’ve talked a lot over the last several months about our concerns, about a growing trend in the wrong direction with respect to press freedoms and freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in Turkey.
Those concerns remain valid today.
Now, look, we understand, there was a very active and serious coup attempt in Turkey and that the Turkish Government has an obligation in looking after its own citizens to also fully investigate this coup attempt and to hold those responsible accountable. And so, as we’ve said before, we simply urge Turkish leaders, as they work through that process, they do it with all due respect for rule of law and for international obligations and human rights.

QUESTION: But you cannot imagine about 100 journalists will be involved in the coup. Is there a justification in your imagination that these (inaudible) journalist --
MR KIRBY: We’re not going to characterize the – every decision they make in the process of conducting this investigation, and you’re asking me to speculate about who was involved and at
what level, and we simply don’t have the information to make that kind of an assessment, nor would it be appropriate from this podium.

Is ''Biden: Someone executed, we speak up'' the US policy?
QUESTION: Last week Vice President Biden, after he left Turkey I think he was in Latvia and he was asked about why he withheld criticism regarding crackdown in Turkey, and Mr. Vice President said that since nobody has been tried or executed, there is no need for speak up; when that happens, we can speak up.
MR KIRBY: I think --
QUESTION: Is this the policy, that you are waiting for someone to be executed, then the speak
up more --
MR KIRBY: Our views, our perspective on these events in Turkey have not changed, not one bit. And I think I just articulated them in the answer to your last question. We understand they have an obligation to investigate. We have we understand and we appreciate they also have an obligation to their own citizens to hold those accountable for this. This was a potentially well, it wasn’t potentially. It was a violent and precarious, dangerous coup attempt, and real people suffered as a result of it. So they have an obligation to look into this and get to the bottom of it and to try to prevent that kind of thing from happening again. We understand that, and that hasn’t changed, and the Vice President wasn’t saying anything different than that.
We also, though, urge Turkey, as they work through that process, as I said before, to observe rule of law and due process in accordance with their own constitutional principles, and to observe international obligations and human rights as they work through that. And we’re in close touch with them and we will remain in close touch with them as they continue to work through that process. But there’s not – no change at all in terms of the approach that we’ve taken here. We condemned it that very evening – the coup attempt, that is. And again, we’ve – we were and we remain in close contact with Turkish authorities going forward.

QUESTION: (Inaudible) condemn these kind of a Turkish administration approach the freedom of press in Turkey and jail in these many --
MR KIRBY: I’m sorry?
QUESTION: Would you condemn also jailing this many journalists in Turkey? 
MR KIRBY: As I said before, Michel – I’m sorry, Michele. (Laughter.) 
MR KIRBY: I’m not going to get into the habit of characterizing each and every decision or each and every statement that comes out of Turkey.
QUESTION: (Inaudible) not about a statement.
MR KIRBY: No, it is.
QUESTION: This is being --
MR KIRBY: You’re asking me to --
QUESTION: -- happening for about two months.
MR KIRBY: You’re asking me to say whether I’m going to condemn the jailing of journalists. QUESTION: Yes.
MR KIRBY: They are conducting an investigation. I can’t begin to speculate here who was or who wasn’t involved in this and it wouldn’t be appropriate for us to do that. They’re doing this investigation and we understand they have to do that. We simply have urged them, in terms of process, how to go about doing that in a way that is thorough and complete, but also transparent and fair. And so we’re going to stay in close touch with them as they go forward, but we haven’t yet, and I’m not going to begin to make a judgment here from the State Department podium in Washington about every single decision that they’re making as they conduct that investigation.

QUESTION: So this is not about single decision. This has been going on for almost two months --
MR KIRBY: And we have --
QUESTION: -- and jailing for hundreds of journalists.
MR KIRBY: We have talked about I said it earlier our concerns about a worrisome trend in Turkey, before the coup, about limiting press freedom and about shutting down media outlets or detaining reporters. We’ve been nothing but honest and open about that, and in fact, I said the same thing again today to your first question. But if you’re asking me to condemn this specific decision, what I’m saying is we’re not going to get into characterizing each and every move they make as they investigate this. We’ve talked to them about process and what our hopes and expectations are for that going forward. And we’re going to stay in close touch on this. We’re watching it as closely as possible. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

VP Biden & PM Yildirim pool report on press briefing

From: Barbara Plett-INTERNET <barbara.plett@bbc.co.uk>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2016 17:25
To: Goodman, Meghan Hays K. EOP/OVP
Subject: VPotus Travel Pool Report #6: Presser

24.08.16; Biden Presser with PM Yildirim

(Barbara Plett Usher


646 942 1640)

1: Biden emphasized solidarity:

US Continuing unwavering support

Ready to provide any assistance that Turkey may need

Immediately condemned the event on July 15

Didn’t know what was going on…

Saw damage to parliament building

Walked up to PM office, thank God you were not there

Bombs left shell, striking at heart of Turkey’s democracy

Your insistence that you go back into parliament while the coup taking place is evidence of your collective courage and determination

Damage to hearts of the people of Turkey and most basic sense of security

Whole world watched as president bravely came back and asked the Turkish people to take back their govt

Shared values, but also awed by the bravery of the Turkish people who literally stood in front of tanks, some actually run over

You would say they were martyrs, we would say they were heroes and patriots

So on behalf of Obama and the US, extend our condolences to families and loved ones of injured and killed

Pay tribute to bravery and resolve, commitment to their democracy, that their country remain strong, resilient strong and DEMOCRATIC

2: Biden pushed back against rumours of complicity:

Let me be clear, I want to ease any speculation, some of which I have heard, as to whether or not the US had some advance warning, some fore knowledge of complicity

The United States of America did not, did not have any foreknowledge of what befell you on the 15th

The People of the US of A abhor what happened and under no circs would support anything remotely approaching the cowardly act of the treasonous members of military

Did not have prior knowledge, didn’t support, immediately condemned, and continued to stand shoulder to shoulder with not only the govt but the people of turkey

3: Biden on Gulen

Mr Prime Minister, I understand the intense feeling, your gov and the people of Turkey have about him

We are cooperating, we are cooperating with Turkish authorities, our legal experts are working right now with Turkish counterparts on production of and evaluation of material and evidence that needs to be supplied to an American court to meet requirements under our law and the extradition treaty, and we’ll continue to do so as you continue to bring forward additional info

We have no no no no interest whatsoever in protecting anyone who has done harm to an ally, but we need to meet legal standard requirement under our law

Under American law no president of the US has authority to extradite anyone on his own power only an American court can do that

If a president tried, it’s an impeachable offense

No reason to do anything but cooperate and get evidence to the court

It always takes time and never understood by your or our people, why the wheels of justice move deliberately and slowly, and totally understandable why the people of Turkey are angry, but we will continue to work closely with Turkish govt as process unfolds

4: Biden on terrorist attacks by ISIS and PKK:

We understand, America has been the victim as well, not just 9/11, but recently this year. We understand and our hearts go out to you

Like Americans, turkey doesn’t cower in face of terror: do not bend or bow

We will stand against those who threaten our great democracies

Continue to fight together against ISIL

Spoke about the progress we’re making, thanked him for how quickly Turkey resumed counter ISIL ops after the coup

Impt sign of our commitment to destroy it

5: Yildirim on Gulen

This heinous coup attempt was in our opinion orchestrated and instructed by FG and as per the treaties we have, the necessary steps should be taken with a view to his extradition

We’ve taken the initial step in that process and you’ve had very frank remarks for the turkish people and govt, they’re of vital imptc for sound functioning of this process

So having technical team from the US on the ground is clear sign from your side that you’re taking this seriously and attaching great imptc to it, thanks for being sensitive to the matter.

Our greatest expectation would be that we don’t lose any time conducting these processes and I believe the final expectation clear

Attempt on our democracy, and the US friend and ally can never welcome such a move, Obama and other admin types many key remarks and they were of key imptc to us.

The process of extraditing, if it can be expedited and accelerated, I think the grief of hot eTurkish people will be remedied to a certain degree and overall sentiments will go back to being more positive

6: Yildirim on Syria/Kurds

We support preserving the territorial integrity of Syria, not giving advantage of any ethnic group, or not allowing circs for that

Turkey will never accept a Kurdish formation on our border and grave threat to our security

But all ethnic groups must feel they’re being represented in just and fair structure

7: Yildirim on relationship:

The relationship btw the US and turkey will not be disrupted by 15th July or anything else, your visit a great oppo to get rid of some misunderstandings and show that US on side of Turkish govt and people, great solidarity

8; Q: status of Turkish operation over the border in Syria


There’s been a structure called the Syria Arab Coalition, focusing on clearing the west of Euphrates, around Manbij of ISIS, but after the ops had ISIS elements move to Turkish border and settle in Jarablus, followed by PYD movement towards to the Afran region from two different directions so in light of what’s been happening we’ve acted to protect border security and prevent property and life loss from rockets and mortars, so starting from last night started to fire into Syria, also air ops; elements closest to the border been pushed back; full agreement with the US on what’s happening, which is that PYD shouldn’t come west of Euphrates or engage in activities west of E; we assessed this in our mtg and once again see determination of US about the issue, so PYG will not have presence west of the Euphrates. So our general take is that we know for a fact that they are working hand in hand with the PKK, it might look like helping in the fight against Daesh but US should know can use T org to defeat another but have in hand that T org in hand at end of day and how deal with it? To not have a greater threat that would be the right approach

9: Q: Biden: How assess Kurdish corridor being formed?

Biden: No corridor, period. No separate entity on the Turkish border, a united Syria

The PM explained precisely the arrangement we have relative to Jarablus and the commitment we made with regard to Manbij; made it clear to the elements of the SDF who were YPG, that they must move back across the river, cannot will not get Amn support if they don’t get that commitment

10: Q: Yildirim: will you now say US not involved in coup?

Yildirim: Biden statements impt, will take into account by the people; Obama admin clearly and explicitly condemned coup attempt as act against democracy, this is what stands in our eyes, might be different perception among the people, we are here to correct those, I’m sure healthy and sound functioning of extradition process will in a short time rectify the peoples’ perception back to normal positive situation

11: Q: Biden: why not raise Human Rights concerns in the presser? Privately?

Biden: we discussed this today, the PM the FM made clear that plan to adhere to constitutional principles, rule of law will prevail; this recent occurance, remember the confusion after 9/11, give them time, believe mean what they say, so let’s move on; the main purpose of my being here today was to show solidarity and I feel guilty that it took me this long to get here, feel badly didn’t have oppo to come sooner after it occurred but proud to be here and show solidarity

Thursday, August 18, 2016

US is concerned by the aggressive use of Turkish judicial inquiries to curb free speech

DPB #145
Briefer: John Kirby, Spokesperson

MR KIRBY:  Thank you.  Okay.  I’ve got a few things at the top, so please bear with me, and then we’ll get right to your questions. 

First on Turkey.  The United States condemns today’s horrific bombings in Elazig and Bitlis.  Our friend and ally, Turkey, has suffered several outrageous terror attacks this week, including today’s, the August 15th attack in Diyarbakir, and – that killed seven people, one of whom was a child, and yesterday’s attack in Van.  We offer our condolences, obviously, to the families of all those victims and we wish a speedy recovery for those that are wounded in attacks.  And it’s a grim reminder of still the threat from terrorism that the Turkish people continue to face.

QUESTION: Now, you began by condemning today’s PKK terrorism in Turkey, and the PKK attacks now seem to be escalating and becoming more bloody. But at the same time, the Turkish Government is using a heavy hand against peaceful Kurdish political activity, including the indictment last week of Selahattin Demirtas, the head of the HDP, the third-largest party in the Turkish parliament. What is your view of this? Do you think that Ankara might be making a serious mistake in denying Turkish Kurds a democratic alternative to the PKK?
MR KIRBY: Well, as I said, we did condemn the violence there in Turkey, and I have seen the reports about Mr. Demirtas, and we are following that issue, that very specific issue. As we said before, we’re concerned by the aggressive use of judicial inquiries to curb free speech and political discourse in Turkey. And we support have and always will support freedom of expression there, and we’re going to continue to oppose any action to encroach on the right to free speech.

US: We are certainly not concerned about Turkey-Russia Reproachment
QUESTION: I have a quote here. Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said, quote, “It seems to us that NATO members behave in an evasive fashion on issues such as the exchange of technology and joint investments. Turkey intends to develop its own defense industry and strengthen its defense system. In this sense, if Russia were to treat with this with interest, we are ready to consider the possibility of cooperation in this sector,” end quote. Is there – is that a fair criticism of NATO, and do you think it is a good idea for the NATO ally to cooperate with Russia in the defense sector?
MR KIRBY: Well, there’s a lot there. First of all, I haven’t seen those comments, but let’s put that aside for a minute. Turkey remains a NATO ally and an important partner in the fight against Daesh, and we expect both those relationships, those multilateral relationships, to continue. I can’t speak for NATO, but the United States, as a member of NATO, has every expectation that Turkey’s membership in the alliance will continue and continue to be important to alliance operations around the world.
As for a change or modifications to the bilateral relationship between Turkey and Russia, that’s between them. And there’s certainly no prohibition against that. There’s no reason for anybody to be concerned. We’re certainly not concerned that – if Turkey and Russia are going to work out a new or different bilateral relationship, based on security and defense issues. That’s for them to decide.
We still value Turkey’s membership in the alliance. We still value Turkey’s membership and contributions as part of the coalition against Daesh. And as I said, we’re going to continue to look for ways to see that deepen and strengthen.

QUESTION: Cavusoglu also described Turkey as being treated as, quote/unquote, a second – by the U.S. and NATO as quote/unquote, “a second-class country.” We hear U.S. officials say Turkey is a strong ally, and there seems to be a disconnect between what U.S. officials say and what the Turkish leadership expresses. Why the disconnect?
MR KIRBY: Well, I can’t explain – first of all, again, I haven’t seen those comments, so I’m not going to speak to the veracity of them. If there are views inside Turkey that there’s some disconnect, they can speak to that. What I can tell you from our perspective is what I said before – they’re a valued ally and a partner and a friend, and we want to continue to see Turkey succeed. We want to see Turkey’s contributions in the international community on many levels – not just the security sector, but on many levels – continue. And so we’re going to work to that end.
QUESTION: Over the past many months, Turkey has accused the U.S. of all kinds of things, including supporting terrorists, including siding with coup plotters. Do you think this is business as usual, or has something changed?
MR KIRBY: What business as usual?
QUESTION: Turkey making all these accusations. And does this sound like business as usual?
Because it sounds like you’re trying to say that everything is normal, but --
MR KIRBY: I didn’t everything is normal. I said they remain a key ally, partner, and friend, and that hasn’t changed. I mean, that’s just a fact.
QUESTION: What has changed?
MR KIRBY: That’s – well, what’s changed is Turkey’s under a little bit of stress right now, having faced a failed coup attempt. And we’ve already addressed our concerns about some of the rhetoric coming out from some Turkish leaders about the role of the West or the role of the United States, and we’ve obviously flatly rejected any insinuation or allegation that the United States had anything to do with that. Again, Turkey’s a friend and an ally, and we’re going to continue to look for ways to make that partnership continue to grow. But we’re not doing it with a blind eye here. We understand that there are – there’s a lot of stressors in Turkey right now. We want because we want Turkey to succeed, we’re not afraid – when we see things that concern us about judicial processes and about freedom of the press, we’re not afraid to state privately and publicly our concerns, because Turkey’s future matters so much to us.

QUESTION: One more on Turkey. What is your reaction to Gulen’s latest comments, likening – sorry – Erdogan’s latest comments likening Gulenists, or followers of Gulen, to those of Daesh?
MR KIRBY: Well, look, as I’ve made a practice of doing in the past, I’m not going to respond to every single issue raised publicly out of Turkey. I hadn’t seen the comments by the foreign minister. And while I’ve seen those comments, I’m not going to respond to every sentence that’s uttered out of Turkish leaders.
What we think would be most helpful is that we move beyond issues of rhetoric and try to look for ways to keep the cooperation and the relationship strong with Turkey. We have already and repeatedly condemned the coup attempt. We understand Turkey has an obligation to look after its own security. What we’ve said then and what we continue to say now is that we want Turkey to do that in a way that is in keeping with international law and their own obligations and fair judicial processes. So again, I’m not going to respond to every statement.

QUESTION: It’s a pretty strong accusation to say the United States is harboring someone like a Daesh leader.
MR KIRBY: I think you know our position on their concerns over Mr. Gulen. I think you also know well and we’ve made clear our position about what happened in the failed coup and the responsibility for it. I don’t have anything more to add to that.

QUESTION: In fairness to Suzanne, you’re not being asked to comment on every statement out of Turkish leaders, just the ones we ask you about. But in any case --
MR KIRBY: They’re the ones I’m not going to respond to. (Laughter.) 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

US: Extradition is a lengthy process.. Sometimes it can be months, it can be years.

DPB #141
Briefer: Elizabeth Trudeau, Director, Office of Press Relations

Turkey Qs and As 

Turkey-Russia's anti-ISIL coalition is welcome if it targets ISIL
MS TRUDEAU: Good afternoon, everyone. I have two short things at the top, then we’ll get to your questions.
First, on Turkey: The United States condemns yesterday’s bombings in Kiziltepe and Diyarbakir. We offer our condolences to the families of the victims and wish a quick recovery to the many injured.
Secondly, on a happier note, we’re pleased to welcome to today’s press briefing a group of Haitian journalists who are participating in a weeklong USAID-sponsored training on health journalism at VOA Creole Service. It’s a pleasure to have you guys here. Bienvenue.
QUESTION: Let’s see, we could start with Ukraine or Turkey.
MS TRUDEAU: It’s up to you, my friend.
QUESTION: Do you have any – well, since you mentioned Turkey in your opening, we’ll start with --
MS TRUDEAU: Let’s start with Turkey.
QUESTION: -- Turkey. You will have seen the Turks have proposed joint operations, military operations, whatever that means, with the Russians in Syria, and I’m wondering if you have any thoughts about that.
MS TRUDEAU: Well, we’ve seen those reports, certainly, and we remain in close contact with our Turkish allies and our partners in the fight against Daesh. We’ve been clear if – work against Daesh, against ISIL is a priority for all of us if this is truly a step in that direction, we would welcome that.

QUESTION: Okay, so you don’t have any fundamental – as long as it takes that form, you wouldn’t have an issue with it? You don’t have a problem?
MS TRUDEAU: As we remain in coordination with all the members of the anti-ISIL coalition, this would be part of that and we would welcome it.

US: NATO countries procure military equipment that’s interoperable with NATO systems
QUESTION: Okay. And what about suggestions from some Turkish officials that they’re looking to expand – I don’t know if “replace” is actually the right word, but – at least at the moment, but expand their non-NATO defense and security cooperation? Is that an issue for you guys?
MS TRUDEAU: Well, Turkey’s been a member of NATO since 1952. It is a tremendous member of the alliance. It’s a framework nation in Afghanistan. We’ve stood shoulder to shoulder with our Turkish allies not only in Afghanistan, but in training, in exercises around the world. Is Turkey – I’ve seen the comments on that. I’d refer you to the Turkish Government for more information. A fundamental tenet of NATO is interoperability. We believe it’s important that NATO countries procure military equipment that’s interoperable with NATO systems. So I’d point you to the Turks to clarify that.
QUESTION: Okay. Do you know, does the when you talk about interoperable equipment, does that basically mean U.S.-made equipment?
MS TRUDEAU: No, so a lot of -- QUESTION: Or can --
MS TRUDEAU: -- the NATO equipment that you see, or NATO standard – it’s actually a formal standard. It doesn’t have to be U.S.-made equipment though of course, as an American, I’m always happy to see U.S. equipment – but it’s a NATO standard.
QUESTION: So this stuff that you’re talking about is made in other NATO countries as well?
MS TRUDEAU: So it depends on what it is. As I said, NATO interoperable equipment is a well-recognized standard when you’re taking a look at military hardware in order to assure when we go out on exercises, when we do have to actually use this equipment, that interoperability is a fundamental sort of bedrock of NATO.
QUESTION: Right. But primarily, the country that manufactures most NATO interoperable equipment that meets that standard is the United States, right?
MS TRUDEAU: The United States is a major defense manufacturer.
QUESTION: So basically you would like – you’re saying you would like to see the Turks buy
American, and not --
MS TRUDEAU: I always, as an American, like to see people buy American. 
QUESTION: All right.
MS TRUDEAU: But interoperable is our bottom line.

QUESTION: Turkey. Thanks. Yeah, yeah.
MS TRUDEAU: Okay, let me go to Russia Today first.
QUESTION: Two weeks ago, Brett McGurk said the U.S. didn’t want Russia to join the anti- ISIL coalition. Today, Turkey invited Russia to engage in joint anti-ISIL operations. Did Turkey break ranks?
MS TRUDEAU: No, I think I just answered this question.
QUESTION: But did what is the simple answer to the reaction to that?
MS TRUDEAU: We’ve been very clear that if Russia is interested in fighting against ISIL, which they’ve said they want to do, then we would welcome that.
QUESTION: Did Turkey communicate with Washington prior to making that offer to Russia? 
MS TRUDEAU: I have no communications on that to read out.
QUESTION: Well, as you said, Russia Turkey is a NATO ally, it is a member of the U.S.-led coalition, it is offering joint operations. So does that mark a change in the coalition strategy?
MS TRUDEAU: As we’ve said, and I just said, we have been very clear that if Russia is really interested in taking the fight to ISIL, to combating a terror threat that, frankly, involves the entire global community, we would welcome their interest in that. We’ve had doubts in the past. Let’s see where this goes.

QUESTION: The short answer to her question, does this change the strategy, is “No,” right? 
MS TRUDEAU: “No,” exactly.
QUESTION: Or it doesn’t change the --
MS TRUDEAU: Yeah, it doesn’t.

QUESTION: I just wanted to ask you to comment on a statement attributed to President Erdogan in which he’s suggesting that you guys must choose between Gulen or Turkey. I wonder if you have any comments on that.
MS TRUDEAU: Yeah, I wouldn’t speak specifically to that. You’re asking fundamentally about the question of extradition --
MS TRUDEAU: -- which we’ve spoken a lot about. I would point out an extradition treaty has
two signatories -- 
MS TRUDEAU: -- two partners who have engaged in this. It’s a legal, technical process. It’s very clear how this process unfolds. It’s not influenced by emotion. It’s not influenced by politics. We have received documents. We are continue to review them and we continue to be in close touch with our Turkish friends on this. But it’s a process that is governed by the law and the legal system.
QUESTION: So let me ask you, then, if it is so clear, why is it that the president of Turkey or Turkish officials are having such a hard time understanding this very basic legal process? Do you think maybe because this Turkish president wants to get as much mileage as possible out of this process?
MS TRUDEAU: Oh, Said, I couldn’t talk to that.
QUESTION: No, let me put that out.
MS TRUDEAU: I would direct you to the Turks to speak to that.
QUESTION: Why do you think why do you think they keep putting the why do they ignore this thing? You keep saying that this is a lengthy process, it is a legal process in which you it must go through and so on. Why do you why do they insist that you must do this right away?
MS TRUDEAU: I couldn’t even start to project my own opinion on what comments coming out are. We would direct you to the Turks to speak to their own comments.
QUESTION: Do you think that he’s utilizing this issue maybe to sort of augment his hold on power or things like – you don’t want to --
MS TRUDEAU: I wouldn’t characterize it as that. This was a very serious incident. The President, the Secretary of State, our military leadership have all condemned this failed coup and
we certainly stand with the Turks as they seek to bring perpetrators to justice. That said, we also have talked to them publicly, we’ve spoken to them privately about the need to do that in accordance with due process, rule of law, with the freedoms that are guaranteed under Turkey’s own constitution. So in terms of their motives or some of the rhetoric we’ve seen coming out, I’d direct you to the Turks for that.
QUESTION: And finally, how would the defection of high-ranking military officers and so on from Turkey, whether to the U.S. or elsewhere, affect this alliance that you have with Turkey?
MS TRUDEAU: I think our alliance with Turkey, as I mentioned in NATO since 1952 our partnership with Turkey is deep and strong and solid, full stop.

US: Extradition is a lengthy process.. Sometimes it can be months, it can be years. 
QUESTION: Turkey and --
QUESTION: Can I follow up?
MS TRUDEAU: Hold on, let’s go to Ilhan and then I’ll go to you, Arshad, if that’s okay.
QUESTION: Yeah, sure. Sure.
QUESTION: Just the same question, just a follow-up. This extradition process has been told to Ankara for a long time now.
MS TRUDEAU: This is a very lengthy process. 
MS TRUDEAU: Sometimes it can be months, it can be years. I’m not going to put a timeline on that.
QUESTION: Even though this told you told Turkey about this, President Erdogan just came out yesterday and said either Gulen or Turkey. And also, though, you just stated that you have been trying to assist Turkey in terms of their investigation or after coup situation.
But on the other hand, beginning from President Erdogan, Turkish administration officials have been accusing U.S. that not supporting its ally and one thing, the last thing, that Secretary Kerry will be maybe coming to Turkey and President Erdogan says --
MS TRUDEAU: Is there a question in this, Ilhan? QUESTION: Yes. I am sorry.
MS TRUDEAU: (Laughter.) It’s okay. I’m just losing – yeah.
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QUESTION: That’s fine, that’s – so my question is: Why do you think, even though you have been telling this and explaining this to Ankara, this rhetoric it keep coming from Ankara?
MS TRUDEAU: Again, this goes back to Said’s question. I’m not going to speak to the comments of foreign leaders. It’s up to them to explain. The U.S. position has been very clear. Turkey is our friend, it’s our partner, it’s our NATO ally. We stand with the democratically elected government of Turkey.

US: No confirmation for Sec Kerry visit to Turkey
QUESTION: Can you confirm Secretary Kerry going to Turkey? 
MS TRUDEAU: I have no travel to announce, Ilhan. 

US: "Turkey or Gulen" is not even a choice
QUESTION: Just to be simple and clear this is a question for you. 
QUESTION: Does the U.S. Government believe it needs to choose between its close partnership and alliance with Turkey and Mr. Gulen? Surely, the answer is no.
MS TRUDEAU: Well, I wouldn’t even characterize it that way. I think that what the U.S. would say is we would live up to our obligations, absolutely, under any extradition treaty. And that is completely separate and part apart from our deep and abiding partnership with Turkey.
QUESTION: So you don’t believe you need to choose between the two?
MS TRUDEAU: We don’t need to – obviously not. But I don’t even think it’s a choice,
QUESTION: Thank you.
MS TRUDEAU: I think that the legal process governing extradition is very clear; it’s laid out in a treaty. And our support and partnership for Turkey should be unquestioned.
QUESTION: And second, you began this briefing by condemning, as I believe multiple U.S. officials already did yesterday --
MS TRUDEAU: They did.
QUESTION: -- the recent attack in Turkey. 

US: Extradition process is "a very lengthy process."
QUESTION: You then reiterated the multiple, multiple denials of any well, you condemned the attempted coup and so on. Are you getting a little weary of the critical and somewhat belligerent rhetoric from Turkish officials toward the United States?
MS TRUDEAU: I wouldn’t characterize it as that. I would say to what I think I said earlier this week. We understand that this was a very serious situation in Turkey and we understand the Government of Turkey is still working through that. What I think my job is and where the United States is is we want to reassure Turkey that our partnership remains solid.
QUESTION: So another one on this, please.
QUESTION: A Turkish official today said that the Turkish authorities have detained a total of 35,022 people in relation to the aborted coup. Just over half of those or 17,740 people have since been formally arrested; 11,597 were released, and 5,685 remain in custody, but apparently not yet formally not formally arrested. Is it conceivable to you that 17,740 people could have been involved in plotting a coup that the Turkish intelligence services didn’t find out about in advance?
MS TRUDEAU: I’m not an intelligence agent. I’m not on the ground. I’m not a member of the Government of Turkey. As they continue to work though this, I’d refer you there. But again, I would reiterate what we’ve said before, is we would expect all these investigations, fully understanding that they need to hold those accountable for this very grave act, needs to be done with due process and in accordance with international norms and meeting the very high level of democratic standards that’s enshrined in their own constitution.
QUESTION: Is it conceivable to you, even theoretically, that 17,000 people can have collectively plotted a coup?
MS TRUDEAU: I’m just not qualified to answer that, Arshad. I’m really not.
QUESTION: Can you think of another instance, just off the top of your head, where any
country has arrested 17,000 people for one alleged act or event?
MS TRUDEAU: I’m actually not aware of all of the charges that have been filed against the number of people you’re speaking about, so it wouldn’t be appropriate for me to speak to.
QUESTION: Can I just clarify something -- 
MS TRUDEAU: Of course.
QUESTION: -- on the Gulen thing?
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QUESTION: You said this is a very could be a very lengthy process. You said it could take it could be months; it could be years. Do you really --
MS TRUDEAU: And I said I’m not going to speculate on the amount of time.
QUESTION: Yeah, well, it sounds like your message to the Turks is don’t hold your breath on
MS TRUDEAU: Well, I think my message is --
MS TRUDEAU: I’m sorry. Go ahead.
QUESTION: I just want to clarify something here.
QUESTION: Is that the when if an extradition is that for the actual review of the extradition request and not including an appeal on the extradition --
MS TRUDEAU: It’s a – it’s the whole process.
QUESTION: So you’re not saying that it’s going to take the Justice Department and the State
Department it could take years for them to reach an initial decision on this?
MS TRUDEAU: It’s my understanding it would – the entire process can be very lengthy.
QUESTION: Which includes appeals or whatever?
MS TRUDEAU: Which includes the entire yes.
QUESTION: All right. Is it just possible – I don’t know if this is available to find out what the average – if there’s an average length of --
MS TRUDEAU: I think that’s a question for Justice. 

QUESTION: Exactly. But they don’t have briefings.
MS TRUDEAU: I know. And I’m here for you. 
QUESTION: Yeah. So maybe you could call over there and -- 
MS TRUDEAU: Thanks, Matt.
QUESTION: -- shake it loose?
MS TRUDEAU: Are we saying on Turkey?

QUESTION: Yes. This is also Turkey.
MS TRUDEAU: Hold on. Okay. I’ll get to you. Okay. Go ahead, Laurie.
QUESTION: The last time I heard you or any other U.S. official speak about what Russia was doing in Syria, it was to the effect that most Russian attacks were on targets on people other than Daesh. So my question is: Is that still the case, as far as you know? And if that is the case, that most Russian targets are other than Daesh, could it be that Turkey is trying to shift what Russia is doing in Syria by proposing these joint operations against Daesh?
MS TRUDEAU: So I’m not going to speculate on Turkey’s motives on that. We have been clear, as multiple people have said in the past, is that we have been concerned about Russia’s strikes in the past. And we’ve also been very clear that if Russia is serious, as I said before, about combating Daesh that would be very much something that we would continue to stay and dialogue with them on. You’re asking about what Turkey’s role was in that? You’re going to need to speak to Turkish officials.
QUESTION: But until now, the U.S. understanding of what Russia’s been doing has been that it’s largely been attacking targets that are other than the Daesh targets.
MS TRUDEAU: Our position has not changed on that. And I’m going to you.
QUESTION: Just to thank you.
QUESTION: Just to make sure I report this correctly. You said that what you said suggested that the U.S. is fine with Turkey’s offer of joint operations. Is that so? Did I understand correctly?
MS TRUDEAU: Our position is if that Russia is serious about taking the fight to Daesh that we would welcome having those conversations.
QUESTION: Why isn’t the U.S. now carrying out joint operations with Russia?
MS TRUDEAU: Well, as we’ve said in the past, and this goes to Laurie’s points, we’ve been very unclear what Russia’s objectives were in the past. We’ve spoken about that repeatedly here. This announcement that they’ve made, that Russia is now recommitting to taking a look at taking the fight against Daesh – that would be something I think we would all welcome. Let’s see where this goes. Russia’s actions in the past have raised questions.